CEO Rexy

From Zero  From Zero 
to One  From Zero to One 

From a “Disappointment”...

Deemed a “disappointment” at school, he did not let others' expectations of him be his limitations.

He always feels schools failed (to recognize) him rather than he was failing at school.

Taking different steps out of his comfort zone, he decided to go study abroad in Singapore with a major that he did not like at first.

Believing in the future of technology, he chooses to study IT although his heart has always set to be businessman.

That turns out to be a great decision. Technical knowledge plus a natural skill in writing and a pleasant personality help him learn & master other necessary skills quickly later on.

…to another “Disappointment”

Once again, schools whether in Vietnam or Singapore did not provide grounds for him to shine. His efforts and contributions are sometimes recognized but mostly not.

"Being steady, capable, and confident, Huu Thinh always shows an exemplary standard in both his study and conduct, and has therefore been cited as a good example to others. He also has a flair for writing. He will shine if he continues to progress in future."

Frustrated, he ignored all the high grades and peer pressure to focus on building skills that he thought are important to his career.

Graduated. Got his first job which soon became a real chore for him though.

While Huu Thinh, aka Rexy, always had a burning desire to do something different, his bosses did not give him the opportunities to do so.

After a while, he feels like he couldn’t and shouldn’t depend on someone else to decide his future and that he should go and create his own.

Finally, a Serial Entrepreneur

After almost 9 years studying & working in Singapore, Rex decided to go back to Vietnam to start his own business.

That was probably a difficult personal decision but paid off hugely.

Eventually, Rex can do what he's always loved to do:

  • Develop useful products from small ideas
  • Build an environment where everyone can learn and shine
  • Train and help others become the best version of themselves along the way

From a rented apartment

To a new & beautiful office

From just 2 people

To a team of 20+

From a young man

To an influential leader

What others have to say about Rexy

"What have I learned from this man?

It's the mentality that we can do anything, no matter how difficult it's.
Mr. Rexy says no to delay and fear. He jumps into new projects to achieve success, not just gain experience.

He's a visionary man who is always hungry for new successes. If you are not moving forward, you are moving backward - that's how our boss motivates himself and the whole team.

Working under your leadership has been a blessing in my life. You're very inspirational and give the team excellent motivation to achieve our goals. Thank you, boss!"

Yen Nhi

Deputy General Manager

"Rex is a reliable professional that understands what is needed at first glance, making any projects with him a breeze. When in doubt, you can rely on Rex to give you the best and most cost effective advice to meet your needs. His deliveries are always as promised, otherwise better."

Michelle Lam

Director at TLBB, Singapore

"Don't puck a job. Pick a boss. Your boss is the biggest factor in your career success. A boss who doesn’t trust you won’t give you opportunities to grow."

At Ymese, our BRO’s job is not to manage us but focuses on our career growth. He always inspires the team to dream big and achieve those dreams. We’re encouraged to learn, earn, and return.

Dieu Trinh

Marketing Staff

Mọi người có định nghĩa như thế nào về từ “Mentor”? Đối với em, đơn giản mentor là anh Rex - người đã giúp em nhận ra khả năng và em làm tốt hơn những gì em có thể. Từ ngày onboard đến hiện tại thì mỗi ngày đi làm với em chính là mỗi ngày em học được rất nhiều thứ từ chuyên môn đến kỹ năng mềm. 

Ấn tượng mạnh nhất của em về anh là sau tuần trial, khi anh hỏi: “Định hướng của em là gì, em nói ra để anh giúp em đi đúng hướng.” - khoảnh khắc em cảm thấy em rất may mắn khi gặp được và làm việc với anh.

Điều em cảm thấy tự hào nhất khi làm ở Ymese - là em có mentor luôn hỗ trợ và chỉnh cho em khi em làm sai. Hơn nữa là đây là lần đầu tiên em cảm nhận được một văn hoá & môi trường làm việc siêu chuyên nghiệp và cho em cảm giác giống như là nhà mình vào lúc ăn cơm, chơi uno, huddle time,...

Hoang Anh


That’s not all!

Have you ever heard of a CEO who’s afraid to wake up and go to his own company on Monday?

Explore Rexy’s stories and learn how he managed to handle pressure, rejections, find the right people and much more during his entrepreneurial journey.

Stay tuned for the upcoming blog posts and videos!